Search Results | vostok station

Your search for "vostok station" returned 6 results

Uncovering Lake Vostok, Hidden Under 2 Miles of Antarctic Ice

Deep underneath Antarctica, there lies a hidden lake. Roughly the size of North America's Lake Ontario, the buried landmark has inspired curiosity and controversy for decades.

The Coldest Place on Earth Hasn't Been Experienced by Humans

Iceland? The North Pole? Antarctica? There are a lot of super cold places on this planet, but which one can claim bragging rights as the coldest place on Earth?

World's Worst Weather Quiz

Some places on Earth have consistently unpleasant weather and downright disgusting climates. How much do you know about the world's worst weather?

How Astronauts Work

Astronauts are adventurers and scientists who work in space. Learn who astronauts are and what they do in space and on Earth.

Intricate Ice Caves in Antarctica May Harbor Unique Life

On the surface, Antarctica may seem like a barren landscape. But underneath, in massive ice caves, life may be abundant.

HowStuffWorks Newsletter Quiz

If you took one of our recent newsletter quizzes, you've come to the right place for the answers.

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